In a distant but familiar future, mankind’s first deep-space fleet has stumbled across ruins of an ancient civilization on a distant planet named Echo. The discovery – the first proof of intelligent extraterrestrial life – is meet with understandable optimism. The heralding of a new era is at hand, and the secrets to be learned will surely change society forever. They weren’t wrong. But secrets are meant to be kept for a reason, and what should have been one of mankind’s greatest moments, threatens to be its last.
As the naïve and curious explorers examine the ruins on Echo, they inadvertently announce our existence to our long-forgotten enemies: the monstrous manifestations of our fathers’ sins. Now they know where we are…and they are coming for us.
John Brun and Shiloh Dinah, the last humans who remember the time before, must find a way to save humanity. But first they have to save themselves. Trapped on an alien planet with a ragtag group of survivors, they battle an unstoppable enemy, struggling to hang on long enough for help to arrive. Only through bravery, tenacity, and faith in each other, will they live to see if humanity can avoid the temptations of the vetiti scientia: the forbidden knowledge.
In this cautionary tale from our future’s future, karma is on the hunt…and we are its quarry.
Click below to take an exclusive sneak peek at excerpts from The Awakening.
Click below to take an exclusive sneak peek at excerpts from The Seventh Ship.
We took some of the detailed scenes from the Karma's Quarry series and asked AI to depict them in an illustration. Our hope was to help the readers align their imagination with what Christophe Deseaux intended. Enjoy!
An introduction to the characters you will or have come across in the Karma's Quarry universe.
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